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Brooke Wheeler

Associate Professor | College of Aeronautics

Director | Teaching Assistant Seminar

Contact Information
(321) 674-7628
George M. Skurla Hall, 210L

Personal Overview

Dr. Wheeler is the Director of the Teaching Assistant Seminar and an Associate Professor in the College of Aeronautics. Her current research covers broad areas of aviation sciences and environmental science, including aviation sustainability, electric aircraft, safety management systems, flight training, and how to grow plants on Mars.

Dr. Wheeler's dissertation focused on how scale of observation, disturbance, and soil nutrients influence plant species diversity. Her research included field study, statistical modeling, and analysis of data in the Carolina Vegetation Survey database. She spent two and a half years as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Thompson Writing Program at Duke University, teaching and learning about using writing in STEM courses, and helping to run the Writing Studio. Her research interests include writing to learn in STEM courses, flipped classrooms, aviation environmental science, sustainability, environmental communication, and disturbance ecology.

Educational Background

Ph.D. in Ecology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2011
B.A. in Psychology and Biology, Rice University, 2001
Ground school, FIT Aviation, 2015

Professional Experience

Director, Teaching Assistant Seminar, Summer 2020- present

Assistant Professor, College of Aeronautics, Fall 2015- Spring 2023

Division Director, College of Aeronautics, Spring 2019-Spring 2020

Lecturing Fellow, Thompson Writing Program, Duke University, 2011-2015

  • Teaching: Environmental Justice and Environmental Communication

Associate Director, Duke Writing Studio, 2012-2013

Assistant Director, Duke Writing Studio, 2011-2012

  • Administration, training writing tutors, managing Undergraduate Writing Tutors

Adjunct Instructor, Elon University, Winter 2009

  • Teaching: Current Issues in Environmental Science

Writing Tutor, Writing Center, UNC Chapel Hill 2009-2010

  • Working with students throughout their writing process, including brainstorming, thesis development, organization, and revisions
  • Facilitating international graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in writing groups

Other courses designed and taught: Foundational literature in Ecology: Classical papers and their contemporary counterparts, Basic Botany, Fundamentals of Ecology, and Rare Species Conservation in Complex Landscapes.

Current Courses

AVT 4002 Aviation Research

AVS6301 Fundamentals of Aviation Research

EDS0001 Teaching Assistant Seminar

MAR 4030/5030 Conservation Biology

AVS 2402 Introduction to Aviation Environmental Science

AVS 4402 Aviation Sustainability

AHF 4001 Human Factors Methods

AVS 6000 Quantitative Research in Aviation

AVT 3501 Special Topics- Aviation Sustainability

Selected Publications

Gallo, M.A., Wheeler, B.E., Silver, I.M. (2023). Fundamentals of Statistics for Aviation Research. Routledge.

Cuhna, D., Wheeler, B., Silver, I., & Andre, G. (2023). Electric aircraft battery performance: examining full discharge under two conditions. International Journal of Aviation Science and Technology. 4(1), 5-13. DOI: 10.23890/IJAST.vm04is01.0101  

Li, T., Carstens, D., & Wheeler, B.E. (2023). The Effectiveness of Improving Flight Passengers’ Safety Behaviors by Modifying Auditory Cues. Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors. 13(1).

Osman, M.C., Sharma, V., Ficke, C., Mehta, R., Wheeler, B., & Carroll, M. (2022). Predicting pilot-in-training success and persistence in a united states university. Collegiate Aviation Review International, 40(2), 146-164. Retrieved from  

Shirshekar, S., Li, T., & Wheeler, B.E. (2022). Exploring the Relationship between Personality and Stress during Communication Delays in Simulated Spaceflight Missions. Collegiate Aviation Review International, 40(2),33-48. Retrieved from

Wheeler, B.E., Craig, D., Bride, O., & King, K. (2022). Examining Monthly and Annual Laser Strike Reports from 2010-2021. Proceedings of Industry, Engineering, & Management Systems Conference (2022 #28). Human Factors & Cognitive Engineering Section, Hybrid Conference. p. 29-35.

D'Albert, J., Alqarni, K., Wheeler, B.E., & Magness, A. (2022, Summer). Passengers’ Willingness to Fly with Commercial Airline COVID-19 Safety Measures. Journal of Management and Engineering Integration. 15(1), 23-32.

Li, T., Carstens, D., & Wheeler, B.E. (accepted, 2022). The Effectiveness of Improving Flight Passengers’ Safety Behaviors by Modifying Auditory Cues. Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors.

Kish, B. A., Sullivan, S., Silver, I., Wilde, M. & B. Wheeler. (2021). Using an Autopilot System for Simplified Vehicle Operations in General Aviation, 2021 IEEE Aerospace Conference (50100), p. 1-16, doi: 10.1109/AERO50100.2021.9438443.

Wheeler, B.E., Mumfrey, J., & Dolan, D. (2021). Examining Part 141 flight training: flight hours and days to instrument rating. Journal of Management and Engineering Integration. 14(2): 43-49.

Ferra, G., Alghamdi, H., Wheeler, B.E., & Li, T. (2021). Comparing the Frequency of Reported Wildlife Strikes by Region in the United States. Journal of Management and Engineering Integration. 14(1): 37-45.

Wheeler, B.E., Shacknai, J., Valluzzi, N., & Li, T. (2021). Collegiate Flight Students’ Willingness to Pilot in Different Aircraft Sanitization Scenarios. Journal of Management and Engineering Integration. 14(1): 1-8.

Eichler, A., N. Hadland, D. Pickett, D. Masaitis, D. Handy, A. Perez, D. Batcheldor, B. Wheeler, & A. Palmer. 2021Challenging the agricultural viability of Martian Regolith Simulants. ICARUS 354(2021), 114022. .

Wheeler, B.E., Redden, K., Bonilla, D., Fox, G., & Silver, I. 2020. OMIR Event Type and Frequency at a Collegiate Flight Program. Journal of Management and Engineering Integration. 13(1), 104-110.

Wheeler, B.E., Duboc, N., & St. Amand, Z. 2020Drone Delay: Consumer Willingness to Fly after Awareness of Recent UAS Event. Journal of Management and Engineering Integration. 13(1), 122-128.

Li, T., Wheeler, B. E., & Carstens, D. S. (2020). Examining the Impact of Overhearing In-Flight Cell-Phone Calls on Passenger Safety. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 7(2). Retrieved from

Wheeler, B.E., Cambata, C., Silver, I.M., Fox, G. & G. Alyamani. (2019). Safety Culture at a Collegiate Flight School. Journal of Management and Engineering Integration. 12(2), 94-98.

Wheeler, B.E., Gomez-Womack, J., & White, D(2019). Examining Ground Operations Incidents by Airport Size. Journal of Management and Engineering Integration. 12(2), 99-104.

Wheeler, B.E., Golcher Ardic, E., Wertin, R., Fox, G., & I.M. Silver. (2019). Operational Incident and Mishap Reports by Phase of Flight. Journal of Management and Engineering Integration. 12(2), 105-111.

Edwards, M., & B.E. Wheeler. 2018. Flight Students’ Willing to Fly Within or Over Airspace Containing Operating Unmanned Aerial Systems. IEMS Conference Proceedings 2018.

Wheeler, B.E., & R.K. Peet. A multiscale analysis of plant diversity along soil nutrient gradients. In Vegetation structure and function at multiple spatial, temporal and conceptual scales. E.O. Box, editor. 2016. Springer.

Wheeler, B.E., G. Cumming, & K. Taverna. 2003. The Need for a Statewide Plan for Land and Water Conservation. CEP Environmental Policy Papers. CEP, UNC Chapel Hill, Issue 1.


Electric aircraft, flight training, sustainability, Safety Management Systems, environmental science, environmental communication, teaching writing and writing to learn in STEM courses, flipped classrooms, plant ecology, community ecology, conservation biology, disturbance, invasive species, human factors, and safety.

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